I want to tell you a story to illustrate the power of networking. Networking and building strong, ethical relationships are, in my mind, the most powerful tool in business.
As someone who's been in the recruitment industry for more years than some of my candidates have been alive, it always amazes me how little time is spent on CV prep.
I always smile when a client phones me and asks 'I'm looking for an X Developer or and X person - who do you have on your books?
South Africa’s recruitment industry sometimes reminds me of a sausage machine. Mostly Career Seekers are treated like a number and often you’re not even afforded the respect of a call to let you know you didn’t make the interview shortlist..
The recruitment industry in South Africa (and the world over) is increasingly coming under fire for its unprofessionalism. Hands up – who’s worked with an unreliable, money-grabbing recruitment consultant who never thought about your well-being? I bet the hands flew up.